Unbelievable Generator Stator Winding Diagram

Electric generator electric generator stator windings.
Generator stator winding diagram. We hope you enjoyed it and if you want to download the pictures in high quality simply right click the image and choose save as. If you like my youtube channel please subscribe. Connection diagram for 60hz 60hz l l 415 440 460 480 830 880 920 960 l n 240 254 266.
Design of stator winding. The effective or root mean square rms voltage induced in one turn of a stator coil in a 2 pole 60 hertz generator is about 170 volts for each metre squared of. These windings must be properly arranged such that the induced emf in all the phases of the coils must have the same magnitude and frequency.
Stator winding is made up of former wound coils of high conductivity copper of diamond shape. These emfs must have same wave shape and be displaced by 120 0 to each other. Please consult the factory for any questions regarding these connections.
Always verify that the connections of all the leads from the main stator are consistent with the nameplate voltage required. The maximum value of flux density in the air gap is limited by magnetic saturation in the stator and rotor iron and is typically about one tesla weber per square metre. Thanks for reading generator stator wiring diagram wiring diagram wiring harness diagram.
Connection diagrams are supplied with every generator and should be used as the primary source of information.